Ana Luiza Azevedo Dupas
Centro/SP cap

Ana Dupas conheceu a Eutonia em 2011 quando iniciou práticas individuais com Luciana Gandolfo, após ter sido diagnosticada com uma hérnia de disco na coluna lombar. Em 2018 concluiu a formação pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Eutonia. Durante o período da formação, viveu uma gestação, trabalho de parto e maternidade. Escreveu a monografia "Dinâmica tônica na maternidade" a partir da atenção e tensões relativas ao processo da maternidade. A Eutonia, e mais especificamente o tema "pele", proposto por Gerda Alexander, vem atravessando seu trabalho no campo das artes. Atualmente aprofunda pesquisa sobre o toque, políticas do corpo e hapticalidade, como artista residente convidada pelo The Social Justice Institute (GRSJ) na Universidade de British Columbia no Canadá.
Ana Dupas is an artist whose work crosses fields of performance, choreography and body studies.
Bachelor's Degree in Art Education in the Department of Visual Arts / University of São Paulo (2006).
She is working for more than 15 years in several projects of art education, aswell collaborating with choreographers and dance companies as performer and creator.
Dupas studied somatic education, contemporary dance and contact improvisation in São Paulo at Estudio Nova Dança. During 10 years she is practicing Eutonia, holding since last year a diploma by the Brazilian Institute of Eutonia.
Dupas co-founded COMO_clube (2010-2014), a time-space platform of atistic residency, in the heart of São Paulo old downtown. During 4 years it gathered several artists, engaged in create collective contexts for intergenerational trans- and in-disciplinary experimental practices. It was also a space research relating to sexuality and body politics, autonomy, and emancipation.
recent and ongoing projects
SPET – Performative System of Translation Studies
MOBSOUL_ dance studies in partnership with Allyson Amaral.
FLESHION_ politics and poetics of appearance_REMAKE
(2017) Workshop "Eutonia – Gerda Alexander Tonus Dynamics" at the Sensing Body – Mindful Movement Practices (Berlin, Germany).
(2017) "Canteirinho" – artistic coexistence between children and adults at Vila Itororó (São Paulo, Brazil), sponsored by Goethe Institute.